Empowering Rural Pakistan

Farmers guarantee tomorrow’s food security. Next to this essential function of food provision, they also fulfill a number of additional roles that benefit the environment, the economy, and society.

We Design the comprehensive and innovative NARC G1 Garlic agricultural Website to help our rural communities drive efficiencies and sustainability. We help the farmers become more connected, integrated, & informed than ever before. We provide you the right information at the right time regarding NARC G1 Garlic, from sowing, nurturing, protecting to harvesting your garlic crops. Our website helps you improve on-farm decision-making and execution, predict what is coming around the corner, and act upon it more effectively.

Moazzam Mirza

Director G1 Garlic Farm.

Welcome to our Garlic Farm

We are also trading the NARC G1 Garlic seed. We can provide the NARC G1 Seed for commercial or agriculture purposes. Buy or Sell anything you want on your own terms; right at the comfort of your home, farm or even on the go. Our website helps you connect with the right supplier to increasing the profits, targeting a larger audience & eliminating any kind of middleman.


Get to the next level we provide the ‘Website for Every Farmer’ connected with us. We will create a website for you, absolutely free of cost, which is easy to use & can be customized. Go digital and become your own global brand. Your website would be accessible on the computer as well as mobile.